New York Immigration Hotline: 800-566-7636 or 212-419-3737
The New York Immigration Hotline is 800-566-7636 or 212-419-3737.
The only multilingual information and referral resource for New York's immigrant community is the free New York Immigration Hotline. They are not part of the federal government's immigration service (which used to be known as INS).
According to their literature, they offer general immigration information and make specific referrals for help on:
* Immigration law and benefits
* Discrimination and legal rights
* Employment
* Health and mental health
* Language resources
* Federal, state, and city services
All phone calls to the hotline are also anonymous and the conversations are kept confidential. But please note that the hotline does not offer legal advice. Questions about individual eligibility are referred to legal services agencies for formal immigration consultations.
Please understand that we are offering this information to you as a public service and that this is not legal advice. You should call the hotline and decide for yourself whether you need to obtain legal advice from a qualified agency or lawyer to address any specific questions or issues that you have!
Toll-free Hotline: 800-566-7636 or 212-419-3737
Tiene alguna pregunta sobre immigracion? Llama la linea de inmigraciÛn para Nueva York! Le podemos ayudar.
800-566-7636 (en NYC) o 212-419-3737.
La literatura de la linea de inmigracion dice:
Ofrecemos informacion en varios idiomas y referimos a diversos servicios. Las llamadas se mantienen anonimas y las conversaciones confidenciales. No estamos afiliados con el Servicio de Inmigracion y Naturalizacion. (Un proyecto de Caridades Catolicas, Servicios a Inmigrantes y Refugiados, Arquidiocesis de Nueva York y La Oficina de Asistencia Temporal para Incapacitados del Estado de Nueva York.)
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